Who can take part in our program?

If you are a Fraunhofer researcher or an entrepreneur, willing to use Fraunhofer technology, then you are welcome to send an application for our tech transfer program.

Join the entrepreneurial fast track towards your spin-off or licensing deal and found your own company supported by the AHEAD Program. If you are not that into business then let true entrepreneurs build the founding team and support the spin-off from within Fraunhofer with your expertise.

AHEAD enables external startups and founders to benefit from Fraunhofer technology and bring innovative high-tech products to market.

Be part of a sustainable and growing network. We enable you to work with technologies and motivated researchers from all of our 76 institutes and get access to the next cutting edge, high-tech startups.
Support our teams via industry specific workshops, network events, mentoring and access to resources of industry partners.

Invest in the outcome of our early-stage incubation program: our spin-offs and participations.

Explore AHEAD


The AHEAD Program

Learn more about the AHEAD Program: how it works, how to praticipate and how to AHEAD!


Our Events

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The AHEAD Projects

Learn more about the current teams participating in the AHEAD Program!


The AHEAD Team

Meet the heads behind AHEAD!

Current projects that participate in the Fraunhofer AHEAD Program


Promotors Community

Looking for somebody at your Fraunhofer Institute, who can support you in transfering technology to the market and answers your questions regarding the AHEAD Program?


Become a Promotor

Would you like to promote technology transfer at your Fraunhofer Institute or can you think of a colleague who fits this profile?

Stay in touch with AHEAD

You have a question?

Feel free to contact us if 

  • you have a specific question about participating in the program,
  • you would like to work with us as an external expert,
  • anything else!

Searching for a job?

Have you always dreamt of having an impact on the startup world and being surrounded by the most innovative tech in the world?

Stay tuned!

Keep in touch with all the news related to AHEAD and entrepreneurship in the research and development industry.